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We are always looking for fun new initiatives. Send us a message below or join us and donate.

Visiting adress

De Pletterij
Lange Herevest 122
2011 BX Haarlem



+31 (0)6 50 98 79 66

Company Details

CoC nr.: 41226953

RSIN nr.: 8044.83.371

Bank details

General IBAN nr.: 
NL42 INGB 0004 5593 31
attn. Stichting Ghana-Haarlem

Projects in Ghana IBAN nr.: 
NL43 INGB 0003 9583 98
attn. Stichting Ghana-Haarlem

Do you want to donate?

Thanks to our donors we can set up wonderful projects. Do you want to help too?

The tax authorities have granted ANBI status to the foundation Ghana-Haarlem.
ANBI is dutch and stands for Public Utility Institution./em>
For donors(in the Netherlands), this means that the donations are tax deductible.